Wednesday, July 8, 2009

5 Little Known Diet Supplements

This article was written by Dr. Perricone, the world renown anti-aging expert. This is not the entire article, just a portion of it. I hope that you get something out of it. Enjoy....

A Little Help From Our Friends
But sometimes we need a little extra help, and here is where the right nutrients can make a difference. A young cell is characterized by its energy production, just like a young body. As we age, our physical output decreases.

To this end, I have looked for methods to increase energy, naturally and safely, at the cellular level. This has led me to a number of nutrients that work in a special way to enhance the loss of body fat, preserve muscle mass and regulate levels of blood sugar and insulin -- key attributes of a healthy, young body, regardless of chronological age. They will also promote beautiful, healthy, youthful-looking skin. Here are some of my favorites:

1. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
Alpha lipoic acid, often referred to as 'the universal antioxidant," is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory found naturally inside of the energy producing portion of the cell known as the mitochondria.

Alpha lipoic acid enhances our ability to metabolize food into energy. ALA is a unique antioxidant because it is both fat and water soluble. This means it can go to all parts of the cell, including the lipid (fat) portions such as the cell plasma membrane, as well as the interior of the cell (known as the cytoplasm) where water soluble chemicals reside.

2. DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol)
DMAE is a naturally occurring nutritional substance with powerful anti-inflammatory properties; it is found in fish including wild Alaskan salmon, anchovies and sardines.

DMAE is important in the production of neurotransmitters, which are essential in the communication from one nerve to another and between nerves and muscles. Taking DMAE as a supplement will not only improve your cognitive function by improving memory and problem-solving ability, it will help increase skin firmness and muscle tone -- important for anyone on a weight loss or anti-aging program.

3. Glutamine
Glutamine is the body's most abundant amino acid. It plays an important role in keeping the muscles functioning properly and helps reduce muscle deterioration. Glutamine literally drives muscle-building nitrogen into the muscle cell where it is synthesized for growth. It is also converted into glucose when the body needs more energy. When the body is in a highly inflammatory state, it breaks down our muscle tissue to get the extra glutamine needed, resulting in muscle mass loss.

4. Carnitine
Carnitine and its derivative, acetyl L-carnitine, are two of the most important nutrients for weight loss. Carnitine is critical for energy formation and an active metabolism. Carnitine transports the fatty acids from our blood into the cell for this energy production. Thus, for carnitine to have optimum effect, we must have adequate essential fatty acids, such as omega 3's, present in the diet.

5. Acetyl L-carnitine
Acetyl L-carnitine acts as an antioxidant, a natural anti-inflammatory that enhances the affects of the other antioxidant systems within the body. These anti-inflammatory properties protect the cell plasma membrane (the cell's first line of defense) and prevent the conversion of arachidonic acid into pro-inflammatory chemicals.

Although exercise will naturally increase our levels of acetyl L-carnitine, if we are obese, over thirty or have other health problems, it will not raise them to therapeutic levels, therefore supplementation is necessary.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What Makes A Good Diet Plan?

A good diet plan is one that is healthy, balanced and meets your particular needs. For example, if you are not an individual that can handle a calorie restrictive diet you may want to find a plan that allows for greater food intake and a strong exercise and weight training component to balance it out.

In my opinion, it is best to stay away from diets that require that you significantly cut back on calories, especially those that don't provide much instruction on exercise. Also avoid those that encourage cutting out entire food groups.

Now, if you are pretty knowledgeable about working out or are at least willing to do some research to find a good exercise plan on your own, it may be fine to follow a weight loss plan that is only "diet" or food focused.

Below, is a review of four popular, online diets. These are all pretty good. They do have different strengths and weaknesses. For example, Fat Loss 4 Idiots has a really good food plan but lacks a little bit in exercise information. Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is strong in both areas. Well, without further ado, here is more info about these diet plans.

1. Fat Loss 4 Idiots: This is a pretty good plan. The food is decent, and includes things such as oatmeal and tuna fish. The items are simple to prepare and thus quite convenient for those on the go. It has an exercise component which mostly includes a walking plan. Fat Loss 4 Idiots may be a good option for individuals who have not exercised in a while and need to ease their way back into it.

The program uses a “shifting calorie” methodology which contends that those persons who shift the amount of calories they consume day-to-day will more easily and naturally lose weight. This is an extremely popular diet plan. Check it out and see if you like it.

You can visit their home page by clicking here: Fat Loss 4 Idiots. It is a bit pricey. However, if you believe in it and feel like it can help you reach your weight loss goals, it may be worth considering.

2. Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle: This is an excellent diet/exercise weight loss plan. Readers get an equal dose of exercise and diet instruction. In order to lose weight and keep it off, it is important to exercise and build muscle. Many diets only focus on the food that one eats and fail to include exercise.

This sets dieters up for failure because they end up losing muscle mass which makes it more difficult to lose weight in the long term. Conversely, building muscle helps you to burn fat continually while also toning and shaping. To learn more about this diet, Click Here!

3. Strip That Fat: This is a very unique diet plan that can be effective if followed. It comes with what is called a STF Generator which allows you to create your own made up of foods that you like. It will also print out a shopping list and diet outline.

Because you get to pick your foods, you don’t have to eat lettuce, cream cheese wraps if you don’t like it. There are nearly 40,000 foods in the generator which gives you a lot of choices. Individuals can lose up to 10 pounds in 2 weeks. To take a look at this diet: Click Here!

4. Nutrisystem: You are probably well aware of Nutrisystem. They have commercials all over the place. This is a good program for those that can afford it, those willing to stick to it and for those persons that have a plan to keep off the weight once they lose it.

It would be a waste of money to lose weight while on the program only to gain it back in a few weeks after you have run out of food. Click Here to take a look at the specials the company is offering. They do have a number of different plans, including those especially for men diabetics and vegetarians.

Get Toned & Fab Legs

If you want toned and beautiful legs, it will require more simply dieting. You will need to exercise. Take a look at the following video. You will see a really fit gentleman performing lunges. These are a fantastic exercise that can help tone up your legs and but pretty quickly.

Walk Your Way To Weight Loss

By Veronika Verman

Walking is one of the best things you can do if you want to lose some of your excess weight. It helps you to increase your activity levels and thereby helps your body to burn extra calories and hence aid the weight loss process. If you have decided that you are ready to drop some weight, then adding walking as part of your daily routine is one of the best ways to achieve your aim. Here are some of the ways in which walking helps with weight loss, and some of its benefits.

Achieve Natural Fitness through Walking
Our bodies were designed for walking. Human beings have used walking as a way of motion from the moment we began using two legs to get around. This is the activity which has the lowest negative impact on our bodies. Whenever you find the time during the day, you should stretch and walk. Mother nature created this form of exercise for us, so enjoy it, because it will keep you fit and strong. Walking two or three times each week will result in a noticeable difference in how you feel, and you will also notice the weight falling off.

Save Money on Gyms

Walking doesn't cost anything. You can walk almost anywhere, around your neighborhood, your work place, your house or running errands. It's a natural part of human activity, and of all the things we do on a daily basis. So put on your tennis shoes, and get walking, and enjoy the outdoors as you go!

You Can Find the Time
It's easy to include some time in your daily routine for walking. In fact you can just add a few more steps into things you do each day which involve walking, and so burn more calories. For example, just park your car a bit further away than usual, so that you have to walk further to work, or to the mall or supermarket. Get out in the fresh air during your lunch break, and take a short walk. Just ten minutes a day is fine. Instead of driving or taking the bus to a friend's house, walk there. There are in fact lots of ways which don't take a lot of extra effort or time, but which increase the amount of walking you do.

Walking Can Help You to Try New Activities Everyday
Even if you have physical difficulties or are very overweight, and might find it difficult to try a new type of exercise or activity, you can increase your flexibility and strength through walking. This in turn will help you to gain the ability to enjoy other types of activity that you want to do. Walking isn't hard on the body, and this makes it a very beneficial activity. It's easy to get the body moving this way, and to help it to breathe more easily, as well as helping your self confidence. When you have started walking you will soon notice that you start to feel better, and you will soon find that you can start doing new activities, which you weren't able to do before.

Veronika is a health specialist and exercise guru. For more tips and advice, visit